Monday, March 30, 2009

How Much Water Should I drink?

You've all heard the 8x8 rule.  Drink 8 glasses of water, at least 8 ounces each. There is no scientific study to support this, and the truth is, it really depends on your lifestyle. It depends on your nutrition, where you live (climate) your health, your exercise output, what other beverages or medications you take, and so on. On average, water takes up 60% of you, and this water provides moisture and carries nutrients, etc. I won't bore you with details; you can google that. Simply put, if you feel thirsty, drink. A few glasses a day are sufficient for most of you. Remember, too, for those focused on weight loss: Thirst will often rear its head as hunger, when really you're just thirsty. Just have a glass of water to kill what you think are hunger pangs. 

Now, go drink a glass; just gulp it and get it over with...that's my personal preference! Ha!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stretch for Stress Relief

An easy and quick way to feel instant relief from stress is to simply stretch.

If you have a dog or cat, you see them do this all day long, and how stressed do they seem, huh? It works! Since many, if not most of you are sitting at your computer reading this,  just do it right where you are; you don't even have to stand up!  I just did, see?  Splurge and stand up, and include your whole body.  Takes mere seconds and nets a big result.  

Monday, March 23, 2009

Diet in a bottle, NOT!

Many of you might have seen the segment on national TV this morning for Acai berry drink. The segment was debunking this product, and how thousands of duped consumers were writing complaining. Yipppee. You may be getting very compelling (spam) email from "Oprah" and lord knows who else on this and other bottled "diet" miracle drugs. They are FAKES - imitating Oprah; just like people mimic your own email and send you spam from your email!  Anyone trying to sell you weight loss pills, endorsed by any celebrity are fake. Fake like the spam saying "We have 1 million dollars for you; I'm a barrister in London and will pay you to hold it for me". That kind of fake. All diet emails you get are junk. Yes, fake. Lures. Spring is high season for this kind of  false advertising.  

Weight loss from a bottle does not work. These ads are compelling, especially with photos of famous people and unknowns, before and after. It's all big lie. Seductive. Untrue. Don't do it. Your sensibilities tell you not to for many reasons. Permanent and healthy weight loss does not come from a pill. 

Okay, off my soapbox on this one. Just checking with ya'll to make sure you understand. 
Take care,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Stress Relief in Seconds

I'm deep breathing as I send this. 

Breathe life in. Breathe stress out. Increase energy, improve circulation, send better oxygen to your cells and brain, change your mood, and reduce stress, all by taking a few long, slow deep breaths. Before this became habit for me, I found remembering and doing that first breath the most difficult.  Now I realize, and you will too, it's mere seconds, and you'll want that second, and perhaps a third deep breath. You will feel more relaxed, and less stressed immediately after you do this. I promise you. Instant gratification!  
Be still, close your eyes (unless driving) ;-)

Take a long slow breath in..and hold it momentarily

Purse your lips, making a tiny hole, so it takes you a few seconds to exhale fully

Repeat. It works.

You can do this anywhere, anytime, as often as you'd like. 

Happy less stressful Friday, and Happy Spring,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What qualifies as Exercise

Exercise is physical activity. The health benefits of exercise include lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, stress relief, strengthens muscles and bones, helps joint flexibility, and, reduces diabetes and heart disease.  Last but not least, exercise burns calories.  

I believe one of the reasons for the increase in obesity is directly related to moving less (duh). Specifically (in my humble opinion) from sitting more at a computer, as I am this very second. Also from shopping on line, rather then by walking through a mall. From texting our neighbor, versus walking to the neighbors house, people movers at airports, and escalators, etc. All those small moments of exercise are now missing, and add up to several pounds per year on your body. This post isn't about the deliberate, sustained cardio and weight workouts. It's about the day to day little movements that can also take off several pounds over extended time.  
Wonder how those few pounds crept on? Don't be surprised if it was a small lifestyle change such as a new job from an office with stairs to single story building. It adds up. 

Small changes you can make to turn around that sneaky weight gain over time:
  • Take the steps instead of the escalator/elevator when just one floor, c'mon now.
  • Park further away from the entrance at grocery store
  • Get up from your desk and walk outside and back, or get up and stretch
  • Do household chores, or clean the house (yourself? omg)
  • Pull weeds
  • Mow the lawn...I find this one particularly therapeutic! 
  • Walk your pet and extra walk or two, they'll love it; play chase with the cat
  • Put the grocery cart back where it belongs; don't you dare leave it in the lot. ;-)
  • When you do walk down the hall, walk with purpose, longer strides, faster gait
  • Amensia eating. Of course I was going mention food. The snacks in the community lunchroom at work, eating the leftovers from your kids meals....these are not about movement, but they go hand in hand with why those pounds creep on. 
So, move a little more, each day. A few minutes here and there will add up significantly. 

Happy Day.....move more. Right now. Do it. 
Warm regards,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Stress (rather, De-Stressing)

Stress is a normal part of life, be it physical or mental stress. We've all experienced it due to illness, relationship stuff, job loss, death of love ones, daily worries, etc.  Stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, insomnia, and stiff muscles to name just a few. I'm going to start posting every week, something you can do to help cope with stress. The obvious one I preach is exercise. You ALL know the stress reducing benefits of regular exercise, so I'm not starting there. 

So, the stress reducer du jour is?  Pet an animal. Yup, it works. Simple, cheap, good for the soul, heart and mind. Just pet your dog or cat, or a friends pet, just like ya'll do when you come to my studio. Sometimes I make it part of the gig just to de-stress you. ;-) It works. Happy & Healthy Petting, Margo

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Through rain, sleet, snow?

If you have equipment indoors, again collecting dust, you don't have to go outside. Thought I'd give my other child exposure here, too. Keep reading below....

In Austin, where most of you are, it's probably rain, versus snow stopping you from going out. The purpose of this short and sweet blog post is to ask you to not let the weather stop you from outdoor (or indoor; away from home) exercise time. Doing it; just bundling up property and doing it, is half the battle. Rarely, if ever, have you done it, and come back home and said "I wish I hadn't done that". I bet a few of you who just saw me yesterday, for an outside workout, felt great afterwards. 


So, like the postman, through rain, sleet and snow..get out there!!!! 

You'll thank me later!! ;-)

P.S. My blog now has a feature that allows you to automatically receive new posts to blog. If you sign up for it, I can take you off the distribution list I use, if you don't want the double notice. No biggy. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When to replace workout shoes

Walking or running in old, worn out shoes can lead to an increase in injury. Over time, they lose their stability, cushion and tread. When asked how often to change, I usually say, being realistic, around 500 miles, plus or minus. When you hit that target of 500 miles depends on how often you wear them, where you wear them, your body weight, walking or jogging, the surface you're on, and so on. 

So, to keep it simple, estimate your weekly mileage and do the math.  You may be able to milk that pair for a year; if you're a high mile person, (25 miles or more a week) maybe you'll need new shoes after 2-3 months. 

Since most of you are not experts in shoe wear and tear, I say go by how they feel. Go by how your feet feel. An easy and important way is to look at the tread wear. If they have worn or bald spots, or lean sideways or forward or backward - it's time for a new pair. If you are not sure what kind to buy (there are so many) just ask me. . .I'm happy to guide you to the appropriate shoe for you!

Keep your feet happy!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cholesterol: One size fits all - NOT!

See my "thumbs up" on my Cholesterol results! Here is why:

I had mine checked (part of the annual tuneup) and was very enlightened. I say "one size doesn't fit all" since there are guidelines, absolutes, and gray area in between.  I bet you've been told by your physician to have total cholesterol under 200; HDL (the good) and LDL (the bad) combined, to be healthy. Right? I'm 217. "What?" you say! Not you, Margo, oh fit and lean trainer who eats well! I'm coughing up my personal numbers to you all, here and now, to show you how things are not always as they seem  - based on the "mean" - the population as a whole, further proving to you one size does not fit all!  Your MD may not be an expert in this area, (all due respect) even though you think they "should" be. Your ratio is also important, which is calculated with HDL, LDL and TGL, the latter meaning Triglycerides, the fat in your blood. 

This is where one size doesn't fit all when looking at the total numbers, and not considering ratios.  Under 200 is great, a goal, yet...see me smiling at my results here  (blurred on purpose to hide private info)!   I'm in the fantastic range, even though, yes, my total cholesterol is over 200. Read below to see why.  When you get your cholesterol checked and don't understand the numbers, demand an explanation. Ask for a copy and ask for your ratios. They matter. See below:
  • LDL should be low. Your LDL goal depends on your risk of heart attack and stroke. A very high risk goal may be less then 70.  High risk goal is less then 100. If you are at moderate risk your goal is to have LDL below 130. (Most MD's will say below 100, that 'general' number again).
  • HDL should be high. A good HDL goal is 40 or higher. Over 60 helps protect against a heart attack. Below 40 is known to increase your risk of  heart problems. A high HDL number can offset a high LDL number
  • TGL should be less than 150. A level above 150 may increase your risk for heart problems.
ME: LDL: 119 (130 under okay)  HDL:  98 (above 40 good)   TGL:  48 (below 150 best) 
As you can see, my HDL is extremely good . My TGL, off the charts good, LDL still good. Even with these fabulous numbers, my total HDL & LDL is above the "textbook" 200. This is where you need to look at RATIOS as well
  • A ratio below 4 as general rule, is good 
  • A ratio below 3.5 as general rule is very good
  • A ratio below 3.0 is excellent
  • A ratio between 2.4 and 2.8 can actually cause a reversal of heart disease
My Ratio: 2.32 - even though, at face value, I'm over 200, the proverbial nirvana number. This is why I'm educating you here and now, things are not always as they seem, following 'charts' without further exploration and your ratio. Your test results will have your ratio. 

What causes high cholesterol?
  1. Diet. Eating too much saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol, can raise your cholesterol. These are found in animal foods, such as meats, whole milk, egg yolks, butter, and cheese. Also many packaged/prepared foods, especially snack foods like cookies, crackers, chips.
  2. Weight. Being overweight may raise triglycerides and lower HDL, the good stuff.
  3. Activity.  NOT exercising may raise LDL, the bad stuff AND lower HDL the good stuff.
  4. Smoking may lower HDL, the good stuff, and that one, as I've said, you don't want lowered.
  5. The unavoidable family history or genetic predisposition. You probably know who you are, and fortunately there are safe medications that help those of you affected.
I hope you find this information educational, enlightening, helpful, and most of all, an excuse to go get tested if you have not done so. 

Have a healthy, HDL raising week,

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Equipment Collecting Dust

So, does your fitness equipment look like this below? Alright, it's Chloe my dog sunning, but you get the gist. If you have a treadmill or bike or fitness ball, or dumbells collecting dust, being used to hold clothes, or beds for pets, its time to Spring clean and dust it off, and inquire with me what to do next with it! If you like it, let's get you using it; if you don't like it, let's get you some money for it!

It's that time - don't buy

Starting right about now, television infomercials and shopping channels start the big push for exercise equipment. I've spoken on this subject in a prior blog, and it's worth a reminder. These ads are so compelling and seductive. Just this morning I saw one by a company, with heart breaking stories of family in Iraq, depressed women at amusement parks with kids, all designed to get you to believe this object they are selling will change your being in these situations and your life as a whole. 

DON'T SUCKER IN! No single piece of anything, no board, no ball, no rope or bar, will shrink your body 5 sizes without calorie reduction, via nutrition or added significant exercise and cardio movement on your part. 

Many of these are fun, and yes, will offer muscle toning benefit. Just think first. Ask yours truly first, and don't believe there is any one magic toy like these commercials show. 

It ain't rocket science, everyone. It's determination, motivation, and as I say, lifestyle changes that stick!  Let me guide and help you if there is something you see that you think will work for you, before you leap and buy. I love my toys here in my studio as you know, BUT, they are in addition to LIFESTYLE changes you make, and other work we do as  team to motivate and get you to where you want to be and stay. 

Now get out there and use your legs and body to walk, jog, take dog round the block, push the stroller, etc. Everyday. ;-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Evening Outdoor Exercise

No more "it's too dark too early" to go walk or jog or push the stroller or hit the park trail. 
Daylight savings time starts THIS WEEKEND!!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Health Prescription

As you know, I'm all about Lifestyle changes and not quick fixes. I'm for regular (annual) checkups for men & women. On that note, I have to share something I received during my own annual checkup this last week.  It seems so elementary on most levels to me, yet that's because it's my world; what I eat, sleep and breathe. Take the time to read this. I'm paraphrasing much of it (so you'll read it) and feel free to pass it on to those you care about. 

The Health Prescription
The right foods will help you live a longer, healthier life. Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure CAN be controlled or prevented through a healthy diet. Sugar/salt in moderation.
Obesity IS preventable and a high risk factor for many medical problems including those just mentioned. 

All kinds of exercise will help you feel better and maintain a healthy weight, control blood pressure, reduce and control stress, & strengthen muscles and bones. 30 Minutes, 7 days a week. Yes! Everyday, optimally.  It can be housework to walking, and/or include seeing yours truly. ;-)

If you smoke, quit. You can succeed - and live a longer healthier life. It's the best thing you can do.

ALCOHOL       (I was just going to blog on this one)
If you drink alcohol, do so only in moderation, 1 daily women, 2 for men. I'll stop there. 

There are many other tips, but these are the ones relevant to my relationship with you all. With Spring comes ideas of outdoors, less clothing, and so on, and I'd rather you see the big picture of lifestyle/health changes now, and for the long haul, versus any quick fix for bathing suit season. 

More soon....and Happy March everyone,